28 November 2012

Keep repeating - "Positivity shall prevail"

So, most of the results of what we've been waiting for have came back. When Keian got his chemo on Monday, they took a nasal swab to see what type of germs were harbouring. Blood cultures for bacteria came back negative, which means there is no internal infection! He has a bad cold, which explains the fever - he didn't have the "typical" cold symptoms, so that's why they were initially concerned. We're still waiting on the results for the blood tests done to determine the cause for the grey matter changes, but we received a call today from Keian's Neurologist to tell us that they received funding for a special genetic test that would be able to determine if Keian has a pre-disposed sensitivity to methotrexate, which is amazing!

On Saturday, prior to the whole fever happening, we went to take the boys to visit Santa - one of Keian's favourite things, though really, anything Christmas will have the word favourite in it for him! Of course, as we're always concerned about germs (Purell is our best friend and we are likely their best customer), we got up extra early, so that we could be first in line - success. This isn't the best picture quality, as I took a quick shot with by phone after picking the pictures up from Potters today.

Tomorrow, we will be starting the whole decorating process - I think we're all excited to make it truly feel like Christmas. We're already trying to compile a list of where we can go for our christmas light display drive around. Yet again something Keian just LOVES!

Touch more good news is that Keian is starting to feel a little better, but unfortunately his little brother is now suffering the brunt of it. While Daddy took Keian to his chemo yesterday, I had to stay home, which was good and bad. This was the first time ever that I have missed one of Keian's treatments, which killed me that I couldn't. Joren spent the day in my arms sleeping - trip to the Doctor for him once the boys came back from BCCH came back as a positive for the stomach flu. I think it'll be a short one for him though, as he's already starting to turn around to the happy little guy we know and love.

We were sent VIP tickets to see the Santa Claus parade downtown this Sunday, which was so amazing! We will have to be extremely careful (less busy in the area that we will be sitting in) and may need a stack of masks. We'll be sure to sit in the first row of bleachers, as if there is anyone that has a cough, they'll be behind us. Keian is so excited!

And sometimes the good must come to an end - Keian's blood work was redone on Monday. Neutrophils had crashed from 3.16 on Saturday, to .87 on Monday -nearly critical. They will continue to drop, bringing him into extremely critical. This was much earlier than anticipated, as they aren't typically expected to drop until between Day 30-40 of this phase - we are currently on day 21. So, this means that we may be in for an extra long haul of entrapment. I felt so horrible on Monday when we were told this, as we had just finished talking about how we were going to head to the yearly trip to Bright Nights in Stanley Park on Thursday (opening day). Of course, with his counts being as they are, this isn't a possibility.

Ryan and I usually take turns putting Keian to bed and tonight it was Daddy's turn. As Ryan was tucking him in, he said "Keian the brave!!". Keian responded with "Oh, stop it Daddy". Ryan then told him that we think that he should be known as Keian the brave and that both of us were so extremely proud of him with how hard he has been fighting and how he always managed to smile, no matter what. Keian's response - "I'm SOOOO excited!!!!" Daddy - "Why?!" Keian (with a typical Keian smile that he's so well known for- "Because you guys are so proud of me!" This kid just warms my heart<3


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